Originally posted by Dime5150
FireWire is great but I don't have any peripherals for it because they are all so expensive! iPod, if i get one, will be my first one.
Instead of buying a FireWire product made for Mac you can do this:
-Locate a FireWire empty box for Wintels (95% they work with Macs with NO problems)
-Locate the DVD, CD, DVD-R, CD-R, etc. that you prefer from the Wintel side of things
-Fix the device inside the FireWire box...
-Locate the patch for the DVD (-R) which will enable you to record and play DVDs without any problems and patch your OS X and its apps with it
-Voila! A Wintel cheap FireWire peripheral which works with Macs too!
If you need other FireWire devices, say scanners, for your Mac and they seem expensive to you, I bet that 90% of those devices are for something more than a simple home or even SOHO usage... And still if you have to have such devices then go ahead and buy them because they will give something back to you
USB2 although a great improvement for the Wintel platform, in some instances, the lower price comes because you get a lower quality product or not that advanced if you prefer... Still, the majority of good quality USB2 devices have FireWire too!
Anyways, I think that Apple may include USB2 sometime later on because right now they have bigger obstacles to overcome! Say, like a new processor, maybe