From Outlook to Mail.


Hi it's first time that I write here and I can't write English very well: I hope You'll understand what I mean.
I've got an old iMac G3 and I'm witching it from Mac OS 9.2.2 to Mac OS X 10.3.9. Before I was using Outlook Express for mai e-mail, but now I'd like to use Mail, importing all my old messages.
I've looked for it in this forum, and I read that I must drag&drop some files from Macintosh HD/Documents>/Microsoft User Data to Macintosh HD/Users/my home/Documents>/Microsoft User Data and so i did.
Now Mail can read old messages (before it doesn't), but they are organizend in different way! There are some directories that before there weren't! Moreover dates of eache message are completely wrong!
I tried also to run Outlook under Mac OS X in Classic mode, but the organization is the same, not the original one that I need!
In my opinion I must drag&drop another file (a preference file o something like it), but I don't know which one.
PLEASE HELP ME, otherwise I can't use Mac OS X.
Thanks a lot.
Well, what exactly _is_ differently organised? How are the dates wrong? Basically, you can just let import your old messages (which you've probably already done). Organisation might be slightly different with OS X', since, well, it's a different program from a different maker...

(And don't be too impatient, just wait until people answer your question. If they can, they will...)