I drive a Mini Cooper so I think its time to get away from the PC and get something thats
.cool. I also am tired of Windows and I just cant run all the great apps like Dreamweaver & MS Office on Linux. Any my laptop is dying. 
So here is a butt load of questions. Im a technical user so please dont sugar-coat anything. I just want to be sure this is the right thing for me.
Ok there is a lot here. I appreciate every response I am really looking forward to getting a 2GHz 13 inch MacBook.
Virtual PC with Windows XP Pro.
I currently use Microsoft Street & Trips with the GPS module.
1) How well does Virtual PC communicate with the USB ports?
I use architectural software to edit house plans for customers.
This software doesnt use a lot of resources but if Virtual PC runs like Vmware on Windows then it might not be usable, Vmware on Linux seems to run much better. I would assume Virtual PC runs fine on OSX since it is BSD based.
2) How well does Virtual PC run?
Web Development
I dont have too many questions here, most of the apps I generally use like Netbeans, Dreamweaver, Apache, Tomcat & MySQL are available for OSX.
1) Is there anything else I need to be aware of?
I am an avid Linux user, mostly Gentoo and SuSE. Actually, as the day goes buy, I can get twice as much done on a Linux desktop then when on Windows. I just feel more comfortable there, I grew up on Linux; I like it.
It looks like everything I am used to it there. Ive used FreeBSD a couple of times and I liked it. Not sure if I have any questions here either, since most/all of the apps I use on Linux are ported to BSD.
1) Can I run ANY app that is compiled for BSD on OSX?
2) Hmm just read an article over on OReilly; is OSX very locked down? This is one of the things I really appreciate on Linux, I can change almost anything. And managing installed software is a breeze with apt-get or emerge .
3)Untill I can affourd another $1,000 in software I am going to be using OpenOffice & The GIMP; how do they run on OSX? Anything I need to be aware of?
Dual/Tripple Booting
This is another alternative to using Virtual PC although I would rather run an app then completelly reboot the system.
1) How does Windows run?
2) How does Linux run?
2) Do the both inerface with hardware as well as on a PC?
Other General Running Stuff
1) How is battery life?
My current laptop is a Dell Inspiron 600M, after 4 or 5 hours of use the bottom of the computer will burn your hand; this is with the CPU fan running and an additional two fan unit. When I went to the Apple store this weekend to lust over the MacBooks I did not notice any fan vents. Im sure there has got to be a fan on this thing.
2) Do the MacBooks get very hot? Im sure there has got to be a little warmth I am talking about uncomfortable to touch hot.
3) Does it suck? (oh just kidding, I cant wait.)

So here is a butt load of questions. Im a technical user so please dont sugar-coat anything. I just want to be sure this is the right thing for me.
Ok there is a lot here. I appreciate every response I am really looking forward to getting a 2GHz 13 inch MacBook.
Virtual PC with Windows XP Pro.
I currently use Microsoft Street & Trips with the GPS module.
1) How well does Virtual PC communicate with the USB ports?
I use architectural software to edit house plans for customers.
This software doesnt use a lot of resources but if Virtual PC runs like Vmware on Windows then it might not be usable, Vmware on Linux seems to run much better. I would assume Virtual PC runs fine on OSX since it is BSD based.
2) How well does Virtual PC run?
Web Development
I dont have too many questions here, most of the apps I generally use like Netbeans, Dreamweaver, Apache, Tomcat & MySQL are available for OSX.
1) Is there anything else I need to be aware of?
I am an avid Linux user, mostly Gentoo and SuSE. Actually, as the day goes buy, I can get twice as much done on a Linux desktop then when on Windows. I just feel more comfortable there, I grew up on Linux; I like it.
It looks like everything I am used to it there. Ive used FreeBSD a couple of times and I liked it. Not sure if I have any questions here either, since most/all of the apps I use on Linux are ported to BSD.
1) Can I run ANY app that is compiled for BSD on OSX?
2) Hmm just read an article over on OReilly; is OSX very locked down? This is one of the things I really appreciate on Linux, I can change almost anything. And managing installed software is a breeze with apt-get or emerge .
3)Untill I can affourd another $1,000 in software I am going to be using OpenOffice & The GIMP; how do they run on OSX? Anything I need to be aware of?
Dual/Tripple Booting
This is another alternative to using Virtual PC although I would rather run an app then completelly reboot the system.
1) How does Windows run?
2) How does Linux run?
2) Do the both inerface with hardware as well as on a PC?
Other General Running Stuff
1) How is battery life?
My current laptop is a Dell Inspiron 600M, after 4 or 5 hours of use the bottom of the computer will burn your hand; this is with the CPU fan running and an additional two fan unit. When I went to the Apple store this weekend to lust over the MacBooks I did not notice any fan vents. Im sure there has got to be a fan on this thing.
2) Do the MacBooks get very hot? Im sure there has got to be a little warmth I am talking about uncomfortable to touch hot.
3) Does it suck? (oh just kidding, I cant wait.)