Frustrations with OS X

dmetzcher said:
The keyboards for desktop models look mostly like standard keyboards and have the Home and End keys in the row above the arrow keys (like my PC keyboard).

they aren't actually home or end keys. to navigate around a paragraph, use the arrow keys in conjunction with alt (option) and apple (command) keys
dmetzcher said:
I have this installed, but I haven't really gotten into it yet. I'm sure it's great for someone who creates snippets of code daily, though. I'll have to start working more with it, now that you're reminded me that it keeps popping up whenever my mouse hits the right edge of the screen.
;) ... I've set it to a keyboard combo (Cmd-Shift-F12 for me) and set it so it does _not_ pop up when I hit screen edges, because that'd get on my nerves. But with the keyboard-combo, it's always there when I need it.
(Just noticed that this is my 8'000th post. Maybe I should go a bit slower now.)
Lt Major Burns said:
they aren't actually home or end keys. to navigate around a paragraph, use the arrow keys in conjunction with alt (option) and apple (command) keys
What are the home and end keys on the keyboard for then? I never use the keyboard, so I can't say that I've tested this much (so one would ask the question: "Why did you ever buy it in the first place?" to which I don't really have an answer except that I thought I'd use it more).
are you talking abvout the mac keyboard or a pc one?

the mac one doesn't pretend to have home or end keys, it just has extra arrow keys that pretend to do something. you can however bind them to do what ever you want with them
Home and End work fine, though they refer usually to the beginning of the document/page and end of the document/page, rather than the Windows technique of beginning of line, end of line.

On a Mac, do the following:

When you would have pressed "Home"/"End" on a PC:
• In single-line text boxes like Google Search for instance, press the up arrow or down arrow. These can be used in conjunction with the Shift key for text selection.
• In multi-line text areas, like the post entry field here at or in TextEdit, hold Command (that's the Apple key), and the left or right arrow. Once again, these can be used with the Shift key for text selection.

When you would have pressed Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right on a PC:
• Hold Option and press left or right. Again, hold shift for selection.

When you would have pressed Page Up or Page Down on a PC:
• Press Page Up or Page Down on a Mac :P. You can also get the same functionality with Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down

To skip to the beginning or end of a document on a Mac, you can use Home and End, or Cmd+Up and Cmd+Down respectively.
i been a mac user for many years, so im not sure ur comming from, however i do run a pc (sadely as well) i run debian on both. i love open source, their is afew open source programs on mac. use version tracker and sourceforge!
