FS- Quadra 605 w/Ethernet!- internet capable, with Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse!


For sale... a complete 68k Mac system... it's old-school, but I have used it to go on the internet using it's Ethernet!

Quadra 605- upgraded to 12MB of RAM. Also contains an ETHERNET card. Currently running its maximum system- Mac OS 8.1. This machine contains the motorola 040 processor. It was powerful for it's time, and is still plenty flexible. It could even run UNIX and act as a file server. for more info on this machine visit http://www.lowendmac.com/quadra/q605.shtml

Macintosh Color Display- looks good, but has some burn in from menu bar... not a BIG annoyance, but I wouldn't do any color correction on this thing ;)

ADB keyboard

ADB mouse

All in all, a complete system for light internet surfing, productivity, and even has some educational kiddie apps (who doesn't love Super Munchers, huh?)

Hope this finds a good home. Sorry, but I'm not willing to ship all this. I live in the Los Angeles area. Contact me for a pickup time/date.

Maxed-out Quadra 605 system: $30 cash.
Hey, I might be interested. Always wanted a quadra! Can you post a picture too (of all the set)? I'm not sure if i'll make it to LA soon (sooner or later will) but it'd be kewl! (Was nearly coming to S. Monica for tomorrow). If or when i eventually pass closer, let me know if you sill have it ;)
Still got it! Will be more than happy to sell it. Give me some time and I'll send you pics... I admit, it's case is a bit yellow with age, though....
I wanted something like that when I was a kid! So it'd be cool to find some use for one now! Do you have any idea what kind of Linuxes would it run, or would it be the best idea to let it run OS 8? That won't be bad either ... I'm sure tp be able to find some use for it!
Sorry, if by linux you mean something with graphical user interface, that's a no-go. However, you can run stuff via the command line. There's NetBSD, and also other unix projects for the 68k chip. So I think you could use it with Apache via the command line and stuff.

But, I must admit, as a Mac-user since system 7.1, I've come to enjoy the GUI.

This system can run versions 7.1 through 8.1. There's plenty of old Mac software that can run on these systems. "Oldie but goodie" comes to mind. If you enjoy many of the built-in niceties, I'd stick with OS 8.1.... but 7.5 may seem snappier. I just think it's convenient to load this with the highest OS with the greatest capabilities. This thing has plenty of good and old software on it.
NetBSD would sound interesting in it as long as it won't limit significantly the other parts of the system.. he, or I could always Think Classic. :)
id easily give you 20 bucks for it, if she doesnt buy it give me a pm and i'll buy it and pay shipping costs obviously :)