I am not sure exactly what you are doing but here goes.
1. On your Mac be in the directory where files are you want to ftp
reside. Your Mac will be considered the local machine.
2. ftp to the remote machine.
3. once there do an ls or dir to see files. You will be in the home
directory of user you logged in as.
4. to go to another directory on the the remote machine type cd
and the directory you want to go to.
cd .. will back up one directory.
5. put filename will put filename from your Mac on to the remote
6. get filename will get filename from the remote computer and
put it on your Mac.
7. pwd will list the current directory location on the remote
8. lcd will list the current directory location on the local machine
the Mac.
lcd .. will move up one directory on the local machine the Mac
lcd some directory will move into that dircectory on the local
machine the Mac.
9. At the ftp promt ftp> type help for a list of valid ftp commands.
How does this work? Is it a bare text file with any user's name that you want to chroot inside? When does it get read? Do you have to restart the ftp daemon?
I tried putting a user's name inside and restarted ftp, but it still allowed access to other parts of the filesystem.
the ftpchroot works (thanks), but how do I create a dir that links to a partition? not a normal link 'cause pc' ie sees my link as a file and not as a dir.