FTP questions



I would like to set up a FTP server on my machine, with public information available for everyone in my LAN, and some private information for some users defined in my /etc/ftpchroot file. Every private user shall connect to his folder, but how can I config. the server not to ask for a password for the public connection ?

Thank you very much,
... but I don't think that is possible - mainly coz I've never seen it done :) all the public servers I know of with anonymous login require you to send some form of password. Its pretty much doesn't matter what that is (some insist on email, I recall) ... but I'm afraid I wouldn't even know how to set that up :(

You could include the username/password in the connection string. If anonymous is set up then the connection string would be something like:


which is ftp://<UserName>:<Password>@<IP Address>

Many browsers will allow auto login of anon ftp servers without supplying this information as well, so you could set up a simple link in their favourites or something.
