FTP Server Issues Not Covered in Faq


Mac Os
Set up default (built in) ftp server.
I can login to the users default home
directory. However, we only want
the user to be able to upload web
files, and the web folder has already
been set up elsewhere. How can I
change this behavior so that this user
logs into the web directory rather
than the mac os assigned user
dir. This user does not have local
access and could only be accessed
by ftp
Wow man, that's an obscure question. If I did know the quirks of 10.0.4 ftp, I am fairly certain I don't now. Have you looked at man ftp on your machine for any help?

I know that usually OS X likes to use the home directory concept universally for everything. I also know that OS X Serve 10.2 allows an ftp home directory, often referred to as something like ftp_root. I'm not sure what the server is on 10.0.x but you may be able to find it, and look up a web site on that server to see if it will look in user's home directories, or in a config directory for default information and subsequently for user specific information.

10.0.4 client, right? Ever thought about telling OS X to turn off ftp and installing your own ftp server software? Then you'd have all of the appropriate documentation for that service on hand.

Good luck.