function keys checkbox


I want to use my function keys as normal and use the Fn modifier key to access brightness, volume and media eject.

I use OSX now but found an Apple technote describing the checkbox (in OS9) to "Make F1 through F12 the primary function keys" so i rebooted in 9.2.2, went to Control Panels->Keyboard->Options and that checkbox isn't there on mine (Panel version 8.6 - Mac OS Z-9.2.1 package).

This was ("easy") installed from the CD that came with the TiBook - has anyone any idea how to get this checkbox back or is there another way of getting this to work? (i have scoured the developer docs, no sign there.)

Thanks in advance,
If you clicked the Option button you won't get there. Have you tried: Control Panels->Keyboard->Function Keys?
Although the technote clearly says it's in the option panel (and shows a screenshot of it) i did, of course, try Control Panels->Keyboard->Function Keys.
All that has is a "Hot Function Key Settings" checkbox which means (i think) that i have to hold down the option and the Fn keys to get "normal" function keys. (There's also a box to assign things to each of the "hot" F Keys.)

Thanks, nice try - but my control panel is definitiely different from the one on the technote...
dcharris was right (thanks!) it is in the "Function Keys..." panel not, as the only current help on says in the "Options...".
This all applies to my PowerBook G4 running OS9.2.2 and OS X 10.1.2 but possibly others too - hope it's of help to someone.

To get "normal" function keys you :
  • Restart in OS9 (Although the Keyboard panel runs ok in OS X it doesn't actually work, this was part of my confusion)
  • Go to Control Panels->Keyboard->Function Keys...
  • Enable "Enable Hot Function Keys" checkbox (even though you don't want them)
  • Disable "Use F1 through F12 as Hot Function Keys" checkbox
There, what's the problem? - i must be getting stupid in my old age ;o)