funk alert on MacBook Pro


My new MacBook Pro runs perfectly. However, it makes the "funk" alert sound effect on a random basis and it is getting pretty annoying. Why is this happening? I am apparently not the only user experiencing this issue, but they did not identify the sound as being one of the built-in sounds.

Please help.
This is also happening to me on a random basis. I owned a macbook black 2.16ghz and now have had the new silver macbook 2.4 and the same funk sound can be heard on a random basis. Its driving me nuts not knowing what it is.

Any ideas??
Keep Console open (/Applications/Utilities) and look when it plays that sound. What application calls for it? What is the last line generated?
Also, does it do it in certain intervals? I wonder if maybe the option to play a system sound after a certain number or minutes (or hours) was enabled in the Date and Time section.