Funky Finder


Unix Newb.
Ok, my Finder has gone bad. Ever since I started using my floppy again. One day the Finder just crashed when I was copying to a floppy when it came back none of my settings were there. Since then it's gotten worse another hard reboot and all my toolbar cusdtomization was gone and all the icons line up funny everytime I log in.

Is there anyway I can reinstall the finder? Or if not would a complete reinstall hurt? Maybe a bit overkill?

Any help is greatly appreciated
I'd try reinstalling any drivers that came with the floppy drive first.

The next best thing would be to wait for 10.2 and use that. Reinstalling 10.0 then upgrading to 10.1 then downloading to 10.1.5 etc. can be frustrating and is time consuming. Unless, of course, you have a later version install disk (not upgrade)