Funny flash site about Italy and the EU


Flash Site

A rather humorous if somewhat stereotypical look at Italy and the EU. Maybe Giaguara or some of the other Italians can give us some feed back
im 100% italian here in the U.S. and i found it offensive at first, until i found out that it was created by italians, The coffee/cafe was the funniest
yeah, i liked the coffee part too, the traffic part is totally unrealistic though, at least from my experiences in Europe.
The coffee/cafe was the funniest
Yeah! LOL! :D

Oh the traffic part is pretty damn accurate if you ever went to southern Italy!

The one about elections was quite good too ... La Piovra, indeed ...
The politics and elections ones certainly hold some truth. I mean, just look at today's political situation in Italy: Berlusconi seems to be able/allowed to do just about anything he wants. Like declaring immunity for himself towards the mafia/corruption allegations that IMHO certainly hold more truth than fiction...
Italian politics in general is something I've tried to grasp for some time but have had to give up. Anyway, I like that country, it's like 40 minutes away by train from where I grew up. And wouldn't the world be a less livable place without Italian cuisine (I mean the real one you get over here in Europe, not American style pizza and the like!)?
i'm back.

nobody uses the zebra crossings. so when you need to cross the street, do it, and the cars stop - but not out of italy.

now laugh guys ... i have quit eating pasta, pizza etc (anything with wheat) some months ago.

i think a similar could be done at least of uk and germany as well.
And France, at LEAST !

Look, Berlusconi is laughable, even worse than laughable, but what about my President ? On almost all points (excluding, however, some of his Iraqi action - no debatde about this in this thread please) he's a complete criminal. Traffic in France stinks just as much as in Italy.
Nope, sorry, I wish I had because it was pretty funny. It sure didn't last very long..