Future of eMac? Impending demise?

I loved my eMac right up the time I turned it into a mini. The eMac was a little loud in the study corner in the living room, but it was a powerhouse for the price I paid. (If someone were to give it back to me, I'd put up with the noise ;) )

I think it's days are numbered, but isn't that really the case of every computer. Just that some numbers are bigger than others.
I personally think the eMac's one ugly child of a computer, but that's just my opinion, eh. My guess about future eMacs is, as someone else has said, that cheaper iMacs and/or Mac minis will replace them. Want an AIO - get the (supposedly coming) cheaper iMac. Want a really cheap computer - get the Mac mini and hook it up to a cheap TFT or CRT display.
Safari_Addict said:
Yes I meant Apple. Sorry about that. I just found out my friend absolutely hates Macs! Darn him. lol

:D S'alright...just pullin' yer chain. :p

As for your friend, just wait until he comes to you whining about some spyware of virus or something on his Windows PC. Then you can just smile, turn around, and continue to work on your Mac. ;)
LOL! Yeah, just plead ignorance:

"spy-what? virus? Never seen such a thing but I hear they are common on them mass produced Windows machines.."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again 'never get a pig to do the job of a Panther' :D :p
Well, guess what? I just heard that they are in fact updating the eMac:


It figures. Yesterday I made the leap and ordered a refurbished eMac. Got a decent deal, $650 for the 1.25GHz/Combo drive model, so I can't complain. But its already yesterday's technology. Oh, and by the way, given that it has a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and speakers included, it is CHEAPER THAN A MINI!!!!!!!!!
Hope it's true,
Just comparing the eMac with the mini for a friend who wants to switch ~ 3 versus 2 X USB, 2 versus 1 X Firewire. The main decider, the eMac has Audio in the mini doesn't. The eMac also has Video out.
Go eMac :-)
I shall be very sorry to see the eMac go if it is scrapped. I have a limited budget and was considering eMAc to replace my doddery old G3iMac (although I love it more than it is healthy to love a computer).
I like the eMac, it's a great solution for schools. I use to work for a school district and we had several labs full of the things. We where really scared before they released the eMac that we would have to fill them full of iMacs. Do you know how expensive it is to replace on of those if the screen gets broken? They have a few short comings, but they serve their purpose.
any one else notice at the end of the article "Tiger, the report claims, should be available in retail stores by April 15." :D
I hope they keep the eMac, because the do need a cheap all-in-one. Simplicity is IMPORTANT. I love my Mac mini, and the thought of replacing it with an eMac kind of makes me want to cry, but hey, that's just me.

The eMac is a low-stress purchase compared to the Mini, because you don't need to worry about what kind of monitor/keyboard/mouse/speakers to buy. I researched monitors for weeks before deciding, and it's confusing even for a seasoned geek like me. Most people would rather that decision be made for them, for better or worse. Apple needs the eMac to appeal to new users.

However, I really think the price needs to come down. Even factoring in all the extras, it's still more expensive than an equivalent Mini. A 17" CRT just isn't very expensive. I got my Mini with a 17" LCD for cheaper than an eMac.

And as others have said, the eMac is very kid-friendly. The Mini is a little too...well, MINI, to leave around kids. I wouldn't want to give an 8-year-old a computer they could throw across the room. Call me crazy. :)
The eight years old kids _I_ know would find a way to throw an eMac across a room. And if the room's too big for one throw, they'd try it in several steps. ;)