Fxp on a mac? (Site-to-Site Transfers)

I think I read about Fetch being fxp-compatible. Just open two connections in separate windows and drag the files between them.

I hope it works! :D
I used to do this in Anarchie (before they changed it to Interarchy) under OS 9 a fair amount.

I have not had a need to do this for a while, but I imagine that if you make the rounds around the OSX FTP clients it is bound to be supported by some of them. I'd start by looking at NetFinder which is what I currently use. ;)
I just got anarchie 3.7 a minute ago for os9 but I can't find how to fxp.

How did you do it?


And, by the way, fetch doesn't fxp... it simply download-upload-download-upload the files.
It simply download it to our computer to resend it automaticly to the other ftp and this is not what I want but thanks anyway.