G-Mail from Google

...You have got to be kidding me.

Every email service would be in hot water if that went through.
.. I'm back to this thread, as I just don't want to open a new thread for spymac email.

So, I opened an account there to abuse the 1 GB email service. It's been about 40 days now. I am not very impressed with it. I have never received an email in less than 4-5 hours in spymac, not even my own test emails. Many emails plain don't arrive, and many arrive *slightly* delayed. Yesterday I could not log in, and today I had some messages that were sent 26 April. At this point, I am willing to give more stars even to hotmail rantl :D
I think that Spymac didn't think through what would happen if they announced something like that, because they obviously weren't ready for the 'deluge'. I have had similar problems with my account