G3 connected to TV monitor -> quick, cheap, painless solution?


Simply Daemonic
The title says it all but let me elaborate:
I have a G3 (B&W) tower with a DVD player ("customized" to play all region DVDs). Now I will be moving later on this coming year and I was going to set-up the computer as a study machine as I have it now (study...yeah...lol), anyway. My girlfriend wants to buy a DVD player, so my though was - since I will probably be buying a powerbook, and since the G3 will become a fileserv, why not set it up near the TV and find a way to have the TV monitor as the second monitor to the mac, this way we could play DVDs off of the mac, view them on the TV and we save some cash.

Now there are two obstacles

1) getting the mac to use to TV as a second monitor - I need a cheap way of doing this

2) a remote control for it. I would like to find a cheap remote for it. If worse comes to worse I could always use my T68 as a remote over bluetooth, but I would like a dedicated remote as a permanent solution.

Any ideas?
ATI remote will be your remote control.
ATI has some cards with video out, but I'm afraid they stopped the PCI cards. If your TV has a SCART input, you can use it and enter the RGB signals directly.