G3 iBook Network Norton woes


My G3 iBook (running 10.3.5) up until a few weeks ago worked fine at home on my LAN using an Airport card, or at the office with an Ethernet plug. I was also using Norton's Personal Firewall, version 3.0.1. My port configs had been set up as follows:

Internal Modem: off (I never use it)
Built-in Ethernet: on
Airport: on (set to my specific home LAN)

I was doing some routine cleaning, and I decided that I didn't really need that pesky Norton Firewall anymore, so I threw it out. But now I can't connect to inter-anywhere, from home or at work. I have the sinking feeling that Norton Firewall had its tentacles all over my hard drive, and I threw out the head in a moment of idiocy, and those twitching, dead tentacles are strangling the iLife out of me...

When I view Network Status, my iBook says I'm connected, and I tried my
Airport Card in another machine at work. The other two machines on my LAN (one Dell, one G4) at home work fine, and I've tested the Ethernet cable and port at work....hooray for Scientific Method.

Should I re-install Norton, try to do a search for all the Norton 'tentacles',
or back up and re-format the drive and start over (Perhaps a knee-jerk,
extremist reaction)? Help!
Forget it. I found the NF installer cd, ran the Uninstall; problem solved.
Yeesh...I feel pretty dumb. :eek: