G4 400, Any good?

how about an emac for $900.00? if you are worried about monitor size you can just attach another larger one....wouldnt that make more sense than a 400Mhz G4?
WeeZer51402 said:
how about an emac for $900.00? if you are worried about monitor size you can just attach another larger one....wouldnt that make more sense than a 400Mhz G4?

WeeZer51402 has a great point here! Please slow down and think about it. I had a G4 450 AGP with a gig of RAM and two drives and sold it on eBay about 8 months ago. I thought I would get about $500 for it, but the bidding went nuts and I sold it for $1050. I could not believe it and even told the winner - "Why not buy a newer Mac for a little more?" I thought it was absurd and did not feel good about the deal and was willing to back out of it. Still, he seemed to think he could upgrade it and all kinds of stuff and was happy as a clam, so I shipped it off and cashed in on the deal. I still feel guilty. Today, I would say that old G4 450 should go for $400 or so given what you can get in a new Mac, especially the eMac. How about a used eMac G4 800?
Paul C said:
All the G4 400 powermacs here go for about £450 - £500 and I got this one today for £400 http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_Item.cfm?ID=6472&Item=OWCME40890L2S

I have just bought a house so haven't got loadsa money to spend, I've been looking at getting a processor upgrade for it in about 6 months, something between 800 - 1ghz :)

It's roughly $1 to 2 pounds right? If so, that's a good deal. I think Macs last much longer than PCs and you can do plenty with a G4 400-500. The only real reason I sold my 450 was for Final Cut Pro and lots of video stuff - though you could still do a lot of video with a 400 - 500 GHz - just be patient! Also, congrats on the house! That is far more important and enjoyable than a computer! We are going to be buying one soon too and I can see my new computer days ending in the not to distant future!!!
You can convert dollars into pounds here www.xe.com/ucc so my powermac cos me about $730, not bad and I'm happy.

I'm really happy with our house :D

Good luck with the house huntin ;)