

Super Bull
I have a problem with my G4 with Adaptec2930 SCSI card, Yamaha8424 and Toast5.1.1..... My OS is X 10.1.2, and have 512Mb

When Toast is ready I notice that toast no detects my Yamaha in SCS chain, what happens? I tried System profiler... and detects Yamaha in scsi Chain!
Then I installed SCSI helper, but nothing. Also I tried putting the termination off in Yamaha, and nothing…too.

Please Help!! I have 3Gb to burn...

many thx
Roxio has opened their own support forum. below are the instructions for finding it.

To sign up for the new Discussion Boards:
1. Go to www.roxio.com
2. In the upper right hand corner of the screen click "Become a
a. If you have already become a member skip to step 4
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4. From the main Roxio page click Login, and enter your username
and password.
5. Click on the "Support" tab.
6. From the Support page, click on Discussion Groups

someone here may know the answer but chances are you will get one faster at roxio forum.:)
Is your CD burner powered on and connected when you boot your Mac? It must be for it to work properly. Try rebooting and see if that fixes it.
Originally posted by starfleetX
Is your CD burner powered on and connected when you boot your Mac? It must be for it to work properly. Try rebooting and see if that fixes it.

yes my CD burner is powered and connected when I boot my MAC...
any more suggestion???
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Roxio has opened their own support forum. below are the instructions for finding it.

To sign up for the new Discussion Boards:
1. Go to www.roxio.com
2. In the upper right hand corner of the screen click "Become a
a. If you have already become a member skip to step 4
3. Fill out the form and create a User Login Name, password.
4. From the main Roxio page click Login, and enter your username
and password.
5. Click on the "Support" tab.
6. From the Support page, click on Discussion Groups

someone here may know the answer but chances are you will get one faster at roxio forum.:)

ok I'll try with roxio.com....
thx anyway
sorry i couldn't be of any more help. when you reach back to scsi stuff i have no idea what to tell you with osx.

i have been a member of roxio's email peer solutions group for some time. they recently (last week) shut that service down and opened up the forum last friday. there were some real toast/burner hardware experts in that group. they provided much more advanced answers to toast questions than anybody here seems to be able to. most people here use disc burner i think.

so rather than have you sit and wait for an answer that never comes, i steered you to where i think you will get help fast. hope it works for you.:)
ok, i just followed you over there and you posted your question right underneath the answer;)

try this app (scsi helper for toast

it worked for the other 2 people in that thread, i hope it works for you:)