G4 Ebay prices ???


Hey guys I went into my local Apple store for the first time over the weekend and it was pretty cool, Oh by the way I'm in VA. But I was wondering why do people pay so much for old Sawtooth Mac's etc when they can just buy a new one for $1,200 or maybe even cheaper I dont get it ????????? why do people pay $800-900 and even $1,000 for these old machines with no warranty ??

Just wondering what do you really save ?? a buck or two ??

Ever hear the saying "There's an A** for every seat"?

No matter what you price something at, some idiot will buy it. Ebay is a great place to find these people.
Hey Bob so its not just me, I always wonder are these people missing a few marbles or something ??? I mean why not walk into a retail store or go online to MacMall etc.. and just buy the damn thing new ?? and what is the apeal of these damn old Sawtooth G4's I see people paying almost 1k for a 400mhz Sawtooth AGP ???? I must be dreaming !!
You see this trend everywhere...old Macs are very overpriced...helps those who want to sell fast...just put the price to what it's worth and it's sold within 2 days...
wildchild - no, not just you. People seem lazy or just plain stupid when buying off ebay. I've sold a few things, SCSI card, hard drive, cell phone, etc, all for much more than what I paid retail for.
My wife did this... she wanted a bike seat for our daughter... well, we looked at a few but they were like $150 with the seat kind being like $100. Well, these were at a nice bike store.

While on eBay, she found a brand new bike seat for $20 listed. Well, she bid on iit and then later that day had to go somewhere, so she up'd her bid more (bid herself up) to get a higher reserve in. Well, she bough it for $50.

I get home and research it and it sells new at Walmart for $25. I wrote the lady that was selling it... sent her payment and said... nice profit... hope you enjoy the extra cash.

She felt bad and included at $15 helmet in the deal... my wife still paid too much.

Needless to say, she doesn't have the eBay password anymore. :)
Can't blame the person doing the selling for making a profit. When I put the things on ebay I sold, I listed all of them for a little less than what I paid. People just kept bidding. I got double for a cell phone on what I actually paid for it, and a little over 50% profit on a couple other things.
I wasn't blaming her at all... make a profit that is what eBay is for. I paid her, but not without telling her that I knew my wife bid w/o researching the product. The lady just felt bad. I didn't demand anything from her.
Well we could probably go on and on with this thread but whats an even bigger joke is what people charge for shipping on Ebay. I recently shipped a 98lb. outboard boat motor to a buddy that lives in CA. and I'm on the east cost VA. to be exact.

I shipped the motor using UPS ground and it got there in 4 days with $800 worth of insurance and the total shipping cost was $61.00 98lbs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats right.

Have you ever seen some of the shipping cost on Ebay ? where do these people get this stuff from $51.00 to ship a Mac G4 talk about profit ;) oh well the folks that run EBay must spend hours on end trying to make them self stop laughing :D