G4 Jaguar to G5 Panther


I just got a new G5, and I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to transfer everything from my G4 to the new G5.

The G4 is running 10.2.6 Jag with everything organized in its own partition (OS X, OS 9, Apps, and Home). The G5 came with 10.3.3 Panther and has everything dumped in one big partition.

I've read what threads I could find on this subject, but none of them that I found addresses the issues of transferring everything from a system running Jag with the files organized in partitions to a new system running Panther which is already set up as one big partition.

I know I can manually copy my ~/home directory over, but wouldn't that cause problems with the preferences being intended for Jaguar and not Panther? Is there anything in the default ~/home dir from Panther that I should be careful to not overwrite or delete (by having a folder overwrite another folder)?

What would be the best way to move everything over? Should I install Panther on my G4 first, and then wipe out everything on the G5, partition the HD, reinstall Panther, and then copy over my Home dir? Will that work okay? Or is there a better way to do this?

Thanks for the help in advance. :)
can't you just hook up the two with a firewire, crossed ethernet or whatever and just copy your files to your designated location..?
may be a bit time-consuming, but still you will get your files in the right place.

Physically moving the files isn't a problem. I can do that a number of ways.

The question is more of which way to approach the move because of the different OS's and the different HD partition structures.

Since I know of no way to partition a HD without destroying the data on it, there's no way around the idea that I'll have to wipe everything off of the G5, partition the HDs and then reload Panther and OS9.

And I guess loading Panther on the G4 and THEN moving stuff from my ~/home dir would avoid having old Jag stuff overwriting the newer Panther stuff because both computers would be set up with the same OS.

So I'm probably answering my own question. I just wanted to see if there was a better way to approach this and if there were any concerns I should consider during the process.
Panther installs files on the G5 that it doesn't on the G4, so I would initialize the G5 and partition it the way you want, then install Panther and OS 9 on their own partitions, then install your apps from their disks rather than copy, and copy any files you've created over, including your Mail, Addressbook, Safari, Explorer, etc. Go through your User>Library Folder to see what you want to transfer and the User>Library>Preference Folder.
bobw said:
Panther installs files on the G5 that it doesn't on the G4...
I did not know this! Thank you for that info. Very useful. :)

I'll do as you suggested regarding the partitioning, etc. Any recommendation on the partition size for Panther? I've read about 10GB is good. Disk space isn't an issue so if more is preferred, I could do that.

Also, any reason why I can't just use Carbon Copy Cloner to move OS 9 from my G4 to my G5? It is also in its own partition right now, and that's how I want to keep it on my G5.

Thanks for the help.
Make the partition as large as you can for Panther, the more room you give it the better.

Carbon Copy Cloner is an OS X app, not for OS

I'm a firm believer that a new machine should have new installs of systems and apps rather than copying from an old machine.

I would make your partitions, then install Panther on the main one, and OS 9 on another.

Just copy any files you've created, and Bookmarks, etc.
Because partitioning is an option I prefer.

Info here.

I didn't come to debate the merits of partitioning. Partitioning isn't a sin. It is simply a method of organizing the files. It works for some, but not for others.