G4 Power Book and External Keyboard.


This is probably another stupid question so I apologise. I also cannot find a search facility.
I have a G4 power book with what I presume is a US layout keypad (as it was purchased in the USA) using Tiger 10.4.3. The operating lanquage is in English but I often write in Spanish. Being a Windows (sorry) user for many years I used a Spanish keyboard for ease of use with the extra characters. So I bought a Spanish layout external Apple keyboard. I can find no way of retaining the lanquage in English but have the OS see the keyboard as Spanish. I have scoured the Help menus and my Tiger for Dummies book. Can anyone help please.

Try accessing the System Preferences and check the keyboard settings. Your Spanish keyboard should be detected. In the dialogue box should be an advanced option tab. Go there and see if you can switch the language from Spanish to English. Furthermore, if the keyboard came with software, try reinstalling that. Also, go to the keyboard company's website for updates to the hardware you're using. You should also try contacting them for support.

Good luck.
Thanks very much but it does not help. The keyboard is detected in as much that it can be used, but it thinks it is the US layout. There is no "Advanced" option tab in the dialogue box, it seems to concern the powerbook keypad and noting else. I can change the OS lanquage to Spanish but that makes no difference to the keyboard either.
It is an Apple keyboard, bought from the online Apple Store and there was no software with it. I will contact Apple direct then.
Thanks again.
Any other suggestions greatly appreciated
Open System Preferences and click on International, then click the Language tab—make sure both English and Español are checked there. Under the Input Menu tab—check "Show input menu in menu bar" at the bottom of the dialogue. That should do it (worked for a DVORAK keyboard I used).

I'm not sure if it'll automatically sense, but if it doesn't all you have to do is click the flag up on the corner of your menu bar and choose which you need at the moment.
and for reaching quick letters with "wrong keyboard":
alt - n + letter - > ñãõ
alt - e + letter - > áéíóú
alt - ` + letter - > àèìòù and so on
Thanks mdnky and Giaguara. It turns out I had already activated it in the way you said, but did not realise how to get at it. I said it was a stupid question! Hopefully this will alleviate the need for the second option most of the time, but great for when I don't have the keyboard attached. I will be pasting that one on to a sticky.
Thanks again to all. I am sure there will be more stupid questions as I progress with my conversion.