This is probably another stupid question so I apologise. I also cannot find a search facility.
I have a G4 power book with what I presume is a US layout keypad (as it was purchased in the USA) using Tiger 10.4.3. The operating lanquage is in English but I often write in Spanish. Being a Windows (sorry) user for many years I used a Spanish keyboard for ease of use with the extra characters. So I bought a Spanish layout external Apple keyboard. I can find no way of retaining the lanquage in English but have the OS see the keyboard as Spanish. I have scoured the Help menus and my Tiger for Dummies book. Can anyone help please.
I have a G4 power book with what I presume is a US layout keypad (as it was purchased in the USA) using Tiger 10.4.3. The operating lanquage is in English but I often write in Spanish. Being a Windows (sorry) user for many years I used a Spanish keyboard for ease of use with the extra characters. So I bought a Spanish layout external Apple keyboard. I can find no way of retaining the lanquage in English but have the OS see the keyboard as Spanish. I have scoured the Help menus and my Tiger for Dummies book. Can anyone help please.