g4 powerbook fails on start-up


Hi All and Happy New Year!

mine has started badly with my G4 Powerbook failing to start-up and with a design deadline looming within the next 24hrs - am desperate for help!

PB was running fine yesterday but then Freehand froze so I force quit - and thats when EVERYTHING froze so re-started. when I do...the apple screen appears fine, I get the progress bar stating osx is starting up .. the blue bar gets about half way across then stops, and the screen becomes completely blue.

I have tried the following with no success:

1. re-installing OSX from the original disc. I get as far as selecting the destination volume for install and worryingly - my HD is not displaying at all. that entire window is blank.

2. I then ran disk utility, again from the orig disc...my hard drive name DOES appear on this screen - so clicked on that and ran repair - this fails halfway through with the following message:

the underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972)

the same applies if I try to repair disk permissions.

is my hard drive dead? or are there any other tips anyone has for helping?

thanks in advance for any advice.

roll on 2008 and this rate!

Well it sounds like a problem for something like Alsoft's DiskWarrior. It sounds as if the hard disk is dying/dead. Well we all know as a smart computer user you had a good backup. right?