G4 Powerbook LCD problems


I’ve been working on laptops for a while now but this is my first time trying to fix a Mac so I need a little help. I have G4 Powerbook with a broken LCD. So far I haven’t been able to get a replacement LCD to work, but I think this may be a compatibility issue. The original LCD model is a LP152W1 the one I have to replace it is a LP152W02. With the W02 I only get a white screen. Is there any way for me to boot on an external monitor just to be sure its working? I tried just simply hooking it to en external monitor but I don’t get anything. Is there something you have to do to get it to work on the external monitor. Also there is a CD in the drive and I can’t seem to get it to eject. Is there a trick to that? If anyone could help me that would be great. I want to fix this for a xmas present for my mother.
Have you tried booting it with an OS CD? How did you determine it was the LCD that needed replacement?
The LCD is cracked from corner to corner making it unreadable. I was able to find out from our distributors that the LP152W02 I have is in fact a compatible replacement. It just seems I have a defective panel. I don't have a CD to boot from I was going to try to get one but I'm almost positive the hard drive is bad and replacing it looks to be very time consuming. I tear apart and rebuild laptops daily so that’s not an issue. I just don't have the time. I'm going to attempt it on Sunday. If anyone has any tips that will help in the surgery let me know.

Just make sure you de-static yourself before going in it. Keep all screws in a bowl so you don't loose them. Remember that you should not have any extra parts left over. :)
I'm a laptop tech so it's no big deal. I gotta say I never worked on a laptop like this one. I thought sony's were bad. Apple is in a league of it's own. Its a very tight design. Its a sweet little laptop but I'd hate to work on them every day. But I got it all appart and back together again. I guess it took about an hour. Now I just need some install disks and a new LCD. I should have those next week. Now, when I boot it I get a freindly little chime sound. But nothing happens, I'm guessing because of no OS to load. Is there a bios or something like it that I can check if so how do i get into it?
There must be a hardware check CD coming with that book. Insert it and press/hold "c" after the chime sound. Apple doesn't have a bios like pc systems.
See if you can boot into Single User Mode, hold the Command-S keys down while booting.
I see on ebay some one is selling a few OS 10.2.1 for Powerbook G4. Some are DVD’s and some are CD’s. Is there any difference between the DVD and CD versions? Will they both boot and restore the laptop?
Both are the same. CD version should be used for all non-combo apples (no DVD drive). Both can be used to boot and restore the system. Did you try the hardware test CD?
My powerbook lives! When I boot it everything comes alive. Even my screen that I thought was bad. I get a little folder in the middle of the screen with a question mark in it. I'm assuming that’s because of the hard drive not being loaded. So i guess all I need to do is get the restore DVD I ordered and all will be well. Man I hope so, this will be a great gift!
All that little folder means is that it can not find a System Folder. Install the OS and all will be well. :)
Ok, the restore DVD’s I got haven’t come yet even though I paid for overnight shipping. And he’s not answering his email. This is very frustrating. All this work and I can’t get the computer loaded. Can you guys point me in the right direction or at least tell me what I need to get. Does it have to be the restore DVD? If not what version do I need get to install from scratch?
Dayv said:
Ok, the restore DVD’s I got haven’t come yet even though I paid for overnight shipping. And he’s not answering his email. This is very frustrating. All this work and I can’t get the computer loaded. Can you guys point me in the right direction or at least tell me what I need to get. Does it have to be the restore DVD? If not what version do I need get to install from scratch?
which powerbook do you have? a restore cd/dvd might not work with some models...
Its a 500mhz powerbook G4. The restore DVD was supposed to be for a G4 powerbook. I think its probably to late now to order anything online or i'll probably get slammed with shipping charges to get here on time.