G4 RAM Upgrade- 1.5 to 2.0G W/Tiger?


I have a DP500 G4 and just upgraded to Tiger. I had previously maxed the RAM at 1.5G for the previous 9.2.1. I was recently told that I can upgrade to 2.0G (four 512s) because of moving up to Tiger. Is this true? If so, are there any caveats? Many thanks!

The 1.5GB limitation came from the operating system (OS 9) itself, not any kind of physical limitation of the computer. You could actually install 2.0GB of RAM under OS 9, but it would only ever "see" 1.5GB at any one time.

Mac OS X, because it manages memory much differently from OS 9, is able to take advantage of memory quantities much higher than 1.5GB. Like bobw, said, should be no problem getting OS X to recognize all 2.0GB (512MB x 4).