g4 Server os x 10.4 server


Installed the 10.4.7 server today on an older G4 unit as a proof of concept for a client of mine, however now when the server boots it gets to the first apple screen the the screen flashes gray and it shuts off any ideas, on how to fix.
Figure out if it is a hardware or software problem.
Was it running fine before the install, if so, it sounds like a software problem.
Can you start up from the install disk? If like mine, it has no DVD so you may have to use an external drive. Wipe the drive and start again, make sure you have the ethernet cable plugged in for the server install.
A decent place to start would be to reset the PMU on the G4. Could just need a quick reset to get you going. Otherwise, you may have some more pressing issues at hand.

Did you own this machine or did the client? If you know the machine's history, it's easier to figure out. :)
