G4 Tradein Program for G5s


The Late: SuperMacMod
"Here's a tip - don't expect new G5's before 3/26/2004. Apple Oz (Australia) have just introduced a trade up program - they give buyers $1000.00 tradein for a G4 on a new G5, The program starts today and ends 3/26/2004 so I'm guessing the new G5's are released 27.03.04 or soon thereafter. "

2 things:

1) Why don't the do that worldwide, or at least here in the US? I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd like to trade up.

2) Why not new G5's in March? If they did 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6 Ghz configurations (or something similar), they could still reach 3 Ghz by June.
There's been an upgrade thing running here although I think it might have stopped and I don't know how widespread it was (noticed it on scotsys.co.uk but the link seems to have gone).
Anyone else get the feeling that we might not see such a small step in speed this time, but a much larger one? That would be a welcomed "shocker", not to mention leave room for lower speeds for the i line.

2.6, 2.8, 3.0? g5s on pro models

2.0, 2.2, 2.4? g5s on consumer models

It would be pretty silly to do a small increase in March, then turn around and do another 3 months later...doesn't seem to follow any traditional Apple methods either.
Arden said:
Why don't the do that worldwide, or at least here in the US? I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd like to trade up...


If you're going to do something on a pan-global scale, you need a _lot_ of inventory .. and I mean a lot.

Now, just how good have been with production recently? Historically, this is a sore point for Apple.

So by issuing these offers on a staggered basis, there's less demand.

Could be wrong, but it sounds plausible...
I'd tend to agree.

Jobs stated that we'd have a 3.0GHz G5 at WWDC 2004, or 12 months from the June 2003 keynote.

So far, they've missed the 2.5GHz/6 month mark, as far as the public is concerned. If they update the line in February now, they probably won't ship until late Feb/early March, unless Apple shocks the world with PowerMacs ready to ship at the announcement. That really only leaves us 3 months to wait for 3GHz. With people knowing when Apple intends having the 3GHz chips out, why buy the top of the line now? If you've waited this long, you'd wait the additional 3 months to get the 3GHz chip for the same price. Beyond that, maybe you don't want the 3Ghz? Wait until they announce it and grab a reduced price previous edition for less cash, or for the same cash but a better model.

It just seems like forever ago that I was in San Fran watching Steve show off the G5 for the first time. Maybe they're making some big time revisions to it? Maybe they'll find a way to get more drive space in that case by refining the cooling just a tad more? Afterall, the 90nm chips shouldn't require quite as much cooling.