G4 Will Not Boot With D-Link Wireless PCI....HELP


I just purchased the D-Link PCI Wireless adapter (DWL-G520) and had installed it in my QuickSilver 2002.
Everything was working fine until the Next Day I went to Start up the computer and it would not boot!! I hear the Start-up Chime and the startup button lights up but thats it. Just Sits there, I could hear the Fans Running but thats about it.

I opened the Case up and reset the PMU on the MotherBoard, after that it Starts Fine. I am able to Restart and Shutdown and Start it backup again without any problems.
A Few Hours Later the Same thing happened, it would not Start up unless I reset the PMU.
I then removed the D-Link PCI Card and after that the computer started Fine.

It seems that there is a Hardware Conflict but unfortunitly I dont know where to start from here.
I have not tried a different PCI Slot yet but I don't know if that will make a difference.?

Here is some info on the Specs of my Computer:
- 1024 Megs RAM ( All Slots Filled)
- Radeon 9000 AGP
- 2 HD's (120 GIG Maxtor & 80 GIG IBM)
- Processor Upgrade (OWN Mercury Extreme 1.4 GHz...G4)

I have other devices attached but that is basically what is inside of it.
I was thinking of Backing everything up and reinstalling OSX 10.3.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Hmmm, changing the pci slot seems to be a good test. Does the card work stable when your system is up? Did you overclock the fsb of your system? Could it be that your power supply is not strong enough to also cover that card? For that you could simply unplug one not so important pci card or device.
Is it possible to "undo" the processor upgrade for testing?
andychrist said:
According to D-Link's tech support page for your DWL-G520, that device is not supported by Mac.


Perhaps the DWL-AG530 will work?


It is not Supported by OSX but there is a Wonderful piece of software (Or Driver) made by OrangeWare.
It works like a Charm! And I find it so much faster then being hardwired with the RJ-45. I prefer to be Wireless, lol.
Check it out:

When I did have the Card installed and the Computer was up and running,
It worked perfectly and FAST! Computer worked fine.
The thing now is that the computer Will not start at all with the Card installed, even after resetting the PMU. Im finding myself resetting that alot when trying to get the computer to boot, I really dont like doing that though.

I've made sure everything was unplugged except the Keyboard.
I noticed that the OrangeWare Driver gives me the option to Control the Voltage or Power on the Card, It is preset to 100mV (Whatever that means) but I didnt bother playing around with it.

I've Tried the other PCI Slots but no change, I cant even get the computer to boot now even after resetting the PMU. Boots fine without the Card installed.

I'm thinking that I should Unplug my 15' Apple Display Monitor because it does not have its own power Source. Im also going to get a new PRAM Battery just to try out in a Couple of days.
Hopefully all goes well.
astewart said:
I just purchased the D-Link PCI Wireless adapter (DWL-G520) and had installed it in my QuickSilver 2002.
Everything was working fine until the Next Day I went to Start up the computer and it would not boot!! I hear the Start-up Chime and the startup button lights up but thats it. Just Sits there, I could hear the Fans Running but thats about it.

Hi, had the same problem until I tried the Netgear WG311T (it is also compatible with the OrangeWare drivers). Other cards (Jaht, D-Link) don't allow my Quicksilvers (733 and 933) to boot up, but they work perfectly in my G3 Yosemite. It's an hardware issue between the Quicksilver motherboard and some of the card stated by "compatible" by OrangeWare. Go with the Netgear (please note that there's also a WG311 model that's NON compatible. You'll have to look for the WG311T, but I think also the WAG311 will do).
What was the resolution with this? I'm looking to install a DWL-G520 in my G4 AGP Powermac.