I just purchased the D-Link PCI Wireless adapter (DWL-G520) and had installed it in my QuickSilver 2002.
Everything was working fine until the Next Day I went to Start up the computer and it would not boot!! I hear the Start-up Chime and the startup button lights up but thats it. Just Sits there, I could hear the Fans Running but thats about it.
I opened the Case up and reset the PMU on the MotherBoard, after that it Starts Fine. I am able to Restart and Shutdown and Start it backup again without any problems.
A Few Hours Later the Same thing happened, it would not Start up unless I reset the PMU.
I then removed the D-Link PCI Card and after that the computer started Fine.
It seems that there is a Hardware Conflict but unfortunitly I dont know where to start from here.
I have not tried a different PCI Slot yet but I don't know if that will make a difference.?
Here is some info on the Specs of my Computer:
- 1024 Megs RAM ( All Slots Filled)
- Radeon 9000 AGP
- 2 HD's (120 GIG Maxtor & 80 GIG IBM)
- Processor Upgrade (OWN Mercury Extreme 1.4 GHz...G4)
I have other devices attached but that is basically what is inside of it.
I was thinking of Backing everything up and reinstalling OSX 10.3.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Everything was working fine until the Next Day I went to Start up the computer and it would not boot!! I hear the Start-up Chime and the startup button lights up but thats it. Just Sits there, I could hear the Fans Running but thats about it.
I opened the Case up and reset the PMU on the MotherBoard, after that it Starts Fine. I am able to Restart and Shutdown and Start it backup again without any problems.
A Few Hours Later the Same thing happened, it would not Start up unless I reset the PMU.
I then removed the D-Link PCI Card and after that the computer started Fine.
It seems that there is a Hardware Conflict but unfortunitly I dont know where to start from here.
I have not tried a different PCI Slot yet but I don't know if that will make a difference.?
Here is some info on the Specs of my Computer:
- 1024 Megs RAM ( All Slots Filled)
- Radeon 9000 AGP
- 2 HD's (120 GIG Maxtor & 80 GIG IBM)
- Processor Upgrade (OWN Mercury Extreme 1.4 GHz...G4)
I have other devices attached but that is basically what is inside of it.
I was thinking of Backing everything up and reinstalling OSX 10.3.
Does anyone have any ideas?