G4 won't start up!

bunner bob

I put my G4 Quicksilver to sleep a few days ago. Came back to the office and it was off. Tried to start from the keyboard - nothing. Tried to start from front panel power button - the button glowed as long as I held it down, but the computer didn't start - no chime or anything. Tried the reset button - nothing. Tried pulling out the power cord and replugging it - nothing. This is very weird. What can it be?

- Bob
I took it into my local shop. They reset the PMU. Fortunately I've got Applecare so no charge. I said "can't I just do that myself" and they said "yeah, if you want to void the warranty, and the way they'll know you did it is, something will be fried". Which I take to mean there's at least a potential for frying something this way. True?

We've had some sketchy weather here lately, and a spike probably got through my UPS, or power went out and the UPS ran itself dry. Probably why it happened.

- Bob
You won't fry it by just pressing the button once... I mean, how do you think they did it? But you will if you abuse it like Jackass said.