G4 ZIF upgrade: 550/220 vs. 500/250


U.S.D.A. Prime
I've got a G4/400 Yikes! machine that I want to upgrade past 500MHz.

I have two options... a 550MHz upgrade with a cache that runs at 220MHz, or a 500MHz upgrade with a cache that runs at 250MHz.

Is the 50 extra MHz worth the slower cache, or would the 500/250 be a better all-around processor?
Out of curiosity, how big is the cache on those chips? Presumably the bigger the cache, the more advantage you get from having a fast one.

No real advice on which chip to get, I'm afraid. Probably not a huge difference either way for general purpose computing...
Both are 1MB L2 cache models.

And I think I'd see a very nice gain in just about everything done on the computer... for the simple fact that I'm not just bumping my speed up 100 or 150MHz, but I'm bumping my speed up 20% to 25% or more! THAT'S a noticeable gain!
I recommend getting the 550 MHz, because you can overclock it more than the 500 MHz :p
AT least make sure you get a Powerlogix card, they're easier to overclock than other cards. There are only DIP swithes, no resistors or jumpers to set. As I've said, I overclocked my 300 MHz Powerlogix G3 card to 420 MHz without any problems, so overclocking a 550 MHz to 600, 650 or maybe 700 MHz should work fine :)

Also, processor frequency counts much more than cache frequence. 30 MHz difference on the cache frequence is nothing.

BTW, have you tried overclocking your current processor?
Well, I've pulled the jumper block off and gotten my handy pushpin all ready, bbut I can't for the life of me seem to be able to wedge the damn jumpers out of the block... they're just stuck in there. Got any other tool suggestions I might be able to find around a standard office that I can use to get those damn jumpers out without completely destroying the whole jumper block in a fit of anger? ;)
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Well, I've pulled the jumper block off and gotten my handy pushpin all ready, bbut I can't for the life of me seem to be able to wedge the damn jumpers out of the block... they're just stuck in there. Got any other tool suggestions I might be able to find around a standard office that I can use to get those damn jumpers out without completely destroying the whole jumper block in a fit of anger? ;)

Well, is it actually possible? I'll recommend buying some seperate jumpers on a peecee retailer, they're dirt chap :)

I don't have that problem on my Macs, on they there are resistors to set instead, much easier :p
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Yeah, it's possible. This is what I'm trying to do to get to 450MHz:


Get some seperate jumpers, if you mess up your jumper block, you'll be mac-less until you've got new jumpers ;)

I got my 400 MHz GigEthernet to 500 MHz, and there it's runnijg fine. I'll try 550 MHz again when I've added a peltier element to it to cool it down. It might work if I can keep the processor cool enough. First I'll test temperatures on 500 MHz with peltier cooling, and check how much it really goes down.
I saw an article on a G4/Yikes! with peltier cooling, too, did you read that? That guy had gotten it up to 500 MHz with modifying the voltage and using a peltier element. But it requires soldering...
Yeah, I'm not into core voltage tweaking or soldering or anything. I'd rather plunk down $300 and get a whole new module.

Anyways, thanks for the help! I think I will go with the 550/220 instead of the 500/250 module. They're both the same price, so I think the extra 50MHz will do me well.
The same price? Wow, din't know that.
Anyway, if it has DIP switches, it's very easy to overclock. PowerLogix even provide instructions and multiplier tables with their cards, so at least try.
I'd also get some jumpers and try higher frequencies on your current card. If it runs stable at 450, or maybe even 500 MHz, you'll get more for it if you sell it. You know, e.g. a G3 owner would pay more for a module running stable at high frequencies :)