G5 Apple memory or Crucial??


Mac Metal Head
Hi, I am going to be getting a G5 dual 1.8's. The only thing I can't decide on is what to do with memory. It is 200 bucks to upgrade to 1 GB of apple memory, but I could also get 1 GB of memory from crucial for 200 bucks, this would let me end up with 1.25 GB for the same price. The only thing is that I fear after seeing some of the other posts that there will be some problems with 3rd party memory. I have never had problems with crucial memory in any of my PC's or my iBook. It is also my understanding, correct me if I am wrong, that Micron makes the apple memory, which also makes crucial. So would it be a big difference?

I just want the best for my new baby you know?

Thanks guys!
I've never had an issue with 3rd Party RAM in my Macs. The beige has 2 Kingston chips and 1 PNY chip in it, the iBook has some off-brand (Centron I think) from Circuit City in it (just HAD to have it ASAP <G>). Both have run just fine for me. I've put memory from Crucial, Kingston, and Ultra in other Macs (G4 Quicksilver, G5 1st & 2nd generations, iMac (lamp one), Powerbook G4) without issues also.

Just make sure the specs are the same as Apple's and I would suggest only dealing with name brands/well known brands (Crucial, Kingston, PNY, Ultra).
Ok youv'e asked an interesting question. And a dificult one to answer :)

I have a PB G4 1 GHz FW800 Al. I have a Crucial 512Mb SODIMM as well as the Apple supplied 256 Mb SODIMM and they work fine. Never had a problem. However, there have been some severe problems with memory (both Apple supplied and 3rd party) with the new G5 firmare upgrade. See the last weeks posts on Macfixit to see what is going on. The new firmware has changed the timing on the slots and Apple has acknowledged that all is not right in Macland and are working on a fix.
So recommendations:

1. Buy only reputable mainstream memory for your Mac
2. Buy from someone who will take it back if you have problems
3. Buy from someone who knows Macs
JohnDProctor said:
1. Buy only reputable mainstream memory for your Mac
JohnDProctor said:
2. Buy from someone who will take it back if you have problems
JohnDProctor said:
3. Buy from someone who knows Macs

Hehe... I have the utmost faith in Crucial's memory. It is more expensive than other memory on the market, but with RAM prices so low nowadays, that shouldn't be a problem. I have three sticks of Crucial in my machine along with an old Kingston ValueRAM stick (back when Kingston still sold ValueRAM to the public directly). Never had a problem with any of them, although Kingston seems to have gone downhill a little recently.
I have an iBook G4 and got the memory from Crucial. It works flawlessly, has a very good warranty policy and it's cheaper than Apple's. A friend of mine also installed this kind of memory in its new iBook and had no problems at all. Highly recommended.

Just my two cents.
