G5 at the end of the month


"if I were you, I would wait the end of the month to buy my powermac" told me somebody working at Apple Computers.

I think I can believe him.
The question is : can you ?
I'd love to believe it cause I'm trying to upgrade, but it ain't gonna happen. MWNY at the earliest, and even that is sketchy. That said, I hope I'm wrong.
dreambreaker you are.

well ... I will try to think different and believe that my dream/whises will become true @ the end of the month.

(the truth is that I wanted to buy a G4 SuperDrive 933 when they told me about the G5 - my father is a reseller, so he asked to his friends working at Apple. Now I'm still waiting ... believing that Jobs/Apple must introduce the G5 at the AppleExpo (Paris) the latest for their survival)

And just question : what IBM/Motorola are planning faced to the new kind of micro-transitors Intel is working at, allowing a very faster changing of state (on/off) ?
Originally posted by maccatalan
"if I were you, I would wait the end of the month to buy my powermac" told me somebody working at Apple Computers.

I think I can believe him.
The question is : can you ?

Hmmm... well, sources are EXTREMELY important when gathering rumored information. I would speculate to say that only the top 25% (probably less even) of employees at Apple know anything about a G5. I had a friend who worked in the call center in Austin, and he had rumors coming out of his arse every day... "New iMacs are coming out!" Well, no doodoo, Sherlock! New G4s are coming out, too! New EVERYTHING is coming out! New iBooks! New PowerBooks! When Apple released the G4, anyone could pretty much be firm in the belief that NEW ones would eventually come out. Same with the iMac. Same with ANYTHING... the question is when, and I doubt that most employees at Apple are let in on this information -- to protect info leaks and the possibility of "killing" the surprise. Call center employees can't be trusted with that information. Salespeople can't be trusted with it. Someone's gonna go home and blab to his/her wife/husband/children and then hell breaks loose from there. Only people who have a vested personal interest in the company (besides financial) would be let in on stuff like that.

The truth in any business is that a big company like Apple isn't going to tell its lower employees sensitive information like release dates and they aren't going to hire anyone into upper-management that would be suspected of being an information leak.

This information is well-guarded, and with the exception of a few isolated incidents, information like this is impossible to verify until the event actually occurs.

How far up in the company was the employee?
I agree with you but as far as I know it, the guy isn't working @ an Apple call center ;)
But he's so good. He went many times to work with the apple core programmers in Cupertino.
I met him one day. One thing is sure : he's really good. :)

but he was really surprised learning about the new G4 ... "Apple told us the G5 are coming @ the end of the month." that's what he said

but you're right, but hey! this is a rumor page! I'm just reporting a rumor I heard :D

have fun & pray for being wrong (now I don't want to wait anymore to get this G5 :) )
Sounds like he's a programmer. I'd interpret his quote to mean that at the end of the month, they would be expected to start programming for the G5 (since the architecture is a bit different from the G4) -- I seriously doubt it meant that desktop G5s would be here at the end of the month.

Cheers, here's to wishful thinking!