G5 Hard Drive added

Art Beatz

Hi, currently have G5 1.8ghz 768mB Ram 80gB HD running both OS9 & OSX3.9 systems.
I want to add another hard drive (500gB) and load the latest leopard onto the new hard drive. Is it then possible to startup with EITHER the new leopard or the old OSX3.9? I'm trying to ease my way into upgrading.... due to some programs stating they won't work past OSX3.9.
Any reply would be appreciated - Thanks.
No G5 machine ever released will boot OS 9... the minimum OS required for the oldest G5 made is OS X 10.2.7. Or do you mean you're running OS 9 in the "Classic" environment within OS X?

To answer the question, yes, you can boot back and forth between the two OS X installs. In fact, if you had OS X 10.2.7 on one drive, 10.3 on another, 10.4 on another, and 10.5 on yet another, you can boot into any one you like in a number of different ways, including, but not limited to:

1) Using the "Startup Disk" preference pane to select a startup volume.
2) Holding down the 'option' key while booting and selecting from one of the operating systems at boot-time.