G5 not recognizing DVDs

G5 User

I have a G5 PowerMac. Recently, it stopped reading DVDs. CDs mount and burn okay. I've tried data DVDs that work fine on other Macs and commercial movies. Without fail, I get the "not recognizable" message.

After researching the problem online, I opted to purchase a new superdrive. It's now installed, but the problem persists.

I am running OS 10.5.6. Perhaps this problem started after updating my system. Not sure about that.

It's amazing how many posts there are regarding this problem. But, no one seems to have a definitive answer. Suggestions include: cleaning the drive, replacing the drive, zapping the PRAM (I've done this), and running Disk Warrior (don't currently own it).

Your thoughts?
The original drive was a Pioneer DVR-110PB. It worked when the computer was new. (I don't burn DVDs very often so I don't know when this problem started.) I replaced it with a Pioneer DVR-116. As I noted, the problem continues to occur.

I tried the firmware update. The installation app reports that it's not needed when I try to install.

I'm guessing it's some weird operating system thing.

Thanks for your reply!
What is the 'not recognizable' message? Can you provide the exact wording as you see it?

Does the drive work if you insert a bootable disk, such as your OS X install, and try to boot from it?

If only DVDs, and now with a new drive, you still can't read DVDs - have you tried with a different user account? You should create a new user just for this purpose - logout of your present user, and log in as that new user. Try any DVD...
Come back with what you find out - don't forget the precise wording of the error message that you get!
"Disk Insertion. The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer. Ignore. Eject."

The data DVD I inserted was read okay by my son's old iBook.

I tried creating a new user. Unfortunately, I had the same results.
It's likely that you have a bad disk drive, but you can try cleaning it out with a can of compressed air. Make sure you keep the can upright so as to not freeze your drive.
Thanks for the reply. I've replaced the original superdrive with a new Panasonic. No dust in there yet I would guess. The problem persisted even after the drive was replaced!
CDs continue to read OK?
And, the problem is only DVDs?
And, you've replaced the original drive, and now replaced with another brand, and still have the same problem?

Can you boot your Mac to the OS X installer DVD?
Don't insert and wait for that DVD to mount, but just insert, and shutdown, then try to start up holding the C key.

Have you tried downloading and reinstalling the 10.5.6 combined updater?