Okay, so, does anybody know when the hell G5's are going to come out? I am sick and tired of waiting for Motorolla. GET WITH IT. I think Apple should just buy the PPC assets from Motorolla, and work with IBM on the effort. IBM has a much faster G3 chip than Moto's Fastest G4. I keep hearing of Apollo, I keep hearing all these nice things about Moto but what the HELL have they done for Apple in the last 3 years? Whoa, a G4.... Intel and AMD each have released a couple of processors in the last few years (P3/P4/Xeons/Duron/Athlon/Thunderbird), and they each have released 64-bit processors. Yeah a dual G4 is nice, but compared to a dual P4 Xeon/Thunderbird...?
I'm not letting Apple off either I mean where is the system bus and the fast RAM? People need to start pushing Apple again. The software engineers have done their work, and yeah the EEs have worked hard too, but we need to push those EE's as much as the Software Engineers have been pushed on X. Apple is doing good but push push push PUSH PUSH! DON'T LET THEM SLACK OFF!!!
This is a major rant, what do you guys think?
I'm not letting Apple off either I mean where is the system bus and the fast RAM? People need to start pushing Apple again. The software engineers have done their work, and yeah the EEs have worked hard too, but we need to push those EE's as much as the Software Engineers have been pushed on X. Apple is doing good but push push push PUSH PUSH! DON'T LET THEM SLACK OFF!!!
This is a major rant, what do you guys think?