g5 tiger network settings



Im having problems getting my g5 just acquired to connect to my internet.

I cannot apply sames settings in network as my g4 for some reason.

I can do any settings I want in the network icon but they are not being applied to the en0 interface?

I have tried doing manual connection direct to dsl and via dhcp via router as per my g4.

The network utility shows that the ip address is not being applied in either case,

keeps coming up with (wrong subnet) 192.168.1.xxx needed.

even when using manual direct to cable interface. Is it something to with firewire settings>? i dont have a firewire device connected (g5 had before)

This smells like a routing issue. What kind of router are you using? Are you trying to connect wirelessly or via ethernet? If it's not an Apple router (Airport), it could be that the router is denying the MAC address for your G5's network card. I don't really think this is it, because usually the IP address would be self-assigned. But it's a possibility. Try manually entering a static IP (and other required network info) that should work for your router and see if it works. If it works, it's not the MAC address issue.

Also, verify on your router settings that your subnet and IP routing settings are correct. Your subnet should be (or up to .254), and your IP address format should be 192.168.1.x.

Also, check if you have some maximum number of users set on your router that you are somehow exceeding.

Oh, have you tried removing your G4 from the network and renewing your DHCP lease?

And, are you using a network hub or a network switch? You want to use a switch and not a hub, so that the traffic can be sent simultaneously without interference.

I doubt this has anything to do with your firewire settings. And in general, each network adapter acts independently. It is the router's job to manage it.

Try to break the problem down to its simplest form. In other words, first plug in your G5 directly to your DSL modem and see if it works. (NOTE: Depending on your ISP, you may need to log in or add your computer to the validated computers list.) Assuming this works, remove all other machines from your network and plug your G5 in to the router directly. And so on and so forth. Hopefully this will help you isolate the problem.

Good luck!