Game name ... ??


Hello all,

I remember playing a game, long time ago on my LC 475. Maybe it was even before that on my LC 2 ... I can't really remember, that was so long ago.

That game was very much like the Pit Droids game, except that instead of Star Wards droids we would play with little animals with colorful fur that we had to match with colorful exits, solving puzzles. That was a very cool game.

I really cannot remember the name,
all I'd like to find now is at the best: a copy of that game, if not: screen shots of the artwork that would display before each new level. There were fun drawings of the furry animals.

If you can remember the name of that game,
thank you for sharing.


PS: I tried to google like crazy but didn't work.

I am not sure this is what you are referring to, but it's what my brain came up with.
Thank you but it is not Lemmings.

That game I am thinking of is really like Pit Droids; meaning that you have a view from the top, and little colorful animals (they are like spheres with big eyes, and hands/feet -- no arms/legs). The goal of the game is to take the little animals through the map obstacles (walls, water, rocks, vegetation, etc) to their "homes" (a circular stone with a color dot at the center matching the color of the animal).

I remember playing a level called "lagoon" or something like that.

It really was a cool game.
I am not sure on what computer I used to play that game, but it was one of the following:

- LC 2
- LC 475
- Performa 5280

I think it was rather on one of the LC computers because as far as I can remember I stopped playing the game because it wouldn't work with higher screen resolutions.

Again, if you know the name of that game,
please let me know. I would be really happy to try to find a copy again of that game. :-)

Have a nice day,