Games and videos freezing computer


When I play an online game, flash game or game like world of warcraft, at random times my mac (MacBook) will freeze up, everything on it, the sound will start skipping, the mouse won't move and the screen is skipping. I have gotten a new hard drive, and 1 gig of memory, but neither fixed the problem, I'm thinking more Vram seeing as this is what it is right now, VRAM (Total): 64 MB of shared system memory, and that seems very low. But then again I'm not really sure what VRAM is. I've gone to a specialist and the Mac store and they both say they have never seen this and just gave me some BS and made me waste money buying more memory and a new hard drive. Thanks for reading and hope you have an answer.
zap your PRAM

Restart your computer holding down the apple-option-R-P keys. Keeping holding down the keys until your mac chimes 3 times (restarts 3 times)

Run Disk Utility

Download Preferential Treatment application and run it

Download TinkerTool System trial and run the tabs under Clean Up
MacBook has 64 MB VRAM, that is reported correctly. On MacBooks the video RAM comes from the normal RAM, so if there was a problem with the RAM, in this case it could cause a bit more visual effects than usually.

What shows in console after the freezes? (as soon as you can get control of it - even if it's after reboot) /Applications/Utilities > has the application Console.
If you have to reboot, go back in console logs and system logs until before it was just rebooted. What shows happening then? (copy paste if you like)

Is that new 1 GB RAM you have? If it is, test with the RAM your Mac shipped with - does the same occur?

Run hardware diagnostics; insert disc 1 that came with that Mac, boot with D held at boot to get to hardware test, and run it looped (ctrl+L - there is no gui for that) for at least a few hours, doing the extended tests (overnight is even better). It will stop when you ask it to, or if it finds an error. If you get an error post it here if you need decoding help for it.