Games on a 20" flat screen

Mike Adams

I have just acquired a 20" flat (cinema) screen and find that several games, such as Civ III will not run with an error message 'drawsprocket cannot switch to the requested resoution' I get the same message no matter what resolution setting I use. The machine is a 867MHz G4 running 10.2.6

Is this a deadly flaw, or does someone know of a way round this.
Dear Mr Adams,

Unfortunately, I am unable to help you are you have forget to mention one critical little detail; what graphics card do you have?

Also, do you have a PowerBook or Desktop?

I myself have a PowerBook, which I run a 20" Dell Flat Screen on it and I have no trouble whatsoever, and that's via DVI.
I have 64MB of VRAM (Machine spec in Sig) and it has not trouble running games etc.

From experience, when you first run a game for the very first time, the game usually starts in the smallest resolution possible. From there, the user then sets the game res to what he or she wants. The game usually switch the res for you.

You mentioned Civ III (which I have) and I have had no trouble with it. Mind you, I did update it straight away.

Are you sure that the games that you are running on the latest version? Usually, the updates fix issues like this.

Sorry that I wasn't more help.
I presume you have this model.

Your error message indicates that when you start the game, it tries to switch to a resolution that is not supported by your monitor. According to the page for the monitor,, the lowest resolution it supports is 1024x640, which is very odd (for normal monitors) because it is widescreen, or 8:5. The game is probably trying to change to 1024x768 (5:4), 800x600, or 640x480 (both 4:3).

Try holding down Option, Command, or both when you start the game. Many games use one of these three combinations to allow you to choose a resolution or run in windowed mode before the game starts. If nothing happens, I'm afraid you may be out of luck; you'll probably have to use your other monitor for this game.
This is embarrasing: it is what i should have thought of first. I trashed the old preference file and restarted. At that point the game offered a series of resolution options that work.

Thanks for the patience
What a nice thread ! This is why I am proud of being a mac user! ( really) .
I´ve visited many other forums (windoze ) and there is so much slagging and badmouthing going on there...