OK, so like a good soldier I actually wait and pay for games as support for OS X and its developers. Too bad the performance still sucks donkey.
Case in point--I just bought Giants:Citizen Kabuto, which the Omni Group ported to X exclusively (won't play under 9). I'm running a G4 450 with a Rage II Pro. Not the greatest box on the planet by today's standards, but no slouch either. You'd think it could play a game that doesn't exactly stretch the boundaries of gaming technology. But you'd be wrong.
I had to turn off every single cool option to get smooth performance. The polygon count is down to absurdity, no shadows, no sun rays, no good stuff. It doesn't look completely terrible, but it's a mile off how it looks with the options on. It's just not playable otherwise.
So, here's my point to Apple and its developers: quit bragging about how OpenGL is so freaking fast and how now it's 20% faster in 10.1. 20% faster than what? "Intrpducing Apple's new molasses, it's 20% faster than our old molasses." How come Unreal runs smooth as glass on the same machine and adequately on my lowly iMac, but Apple's own Finder is still sloth speed (resize) and a game that is no more demanding than Tomb Raider (also smooth as glass) doesn't run well on a very solid machine? (Man, that sentence sucked).
I know, I know, Apple sells hardware, they want us to buy more boxes, Omni Group claims faster than PC performance on a DP G4 500, blah blah freaking blah. Here's a clue, I'm not dropping $2,500 to play a game that should play just fine on my current box. I would instead buy an $800 PC that will play it flawlessly.
As ironic as it sounds, Apple has to take this games thing more seriously.
Case in point--I just bought Giants:Citizen Kabuto, which the Omni Group ported to X exclusively (won't play under 9). I'm running a G4 450 with a Rage II Pro. Not the greatest box on the planet by today's standards, but no slouch either. You'd think it could play a game that doesn't exactly stretch the boundaries of gaming technology. But you'd be wrong.
I had to turn off every single cool option to get smooth performance. The polygon count is down to absurdity, no shadows, no sun rays, no good stuff. It doesn't look completely terrible, but it's a mile off how it looks with the options on. It's just not playable otherwise.
So, here's my point to Apple and its developers: quit bragging about how OpenGL is so freaking fast and how now it's 20% faster in 10.1. 20% faster than what? "Intrpducing Apple's new molasses, it's 20% faster than our old molasses." How come Unreal runs smooth as glass on the same machine and adequately on my lowly iMac, but Apple's own Finder is still sloth speed (resize) and a game that is no more demanding than Tomb Raider (also smooth as glass) doesn't run well on a very solid machine? (Man, that sentence sucked).
I know, I know, Apple sells hardware, they want us to buy more boxes, Omni Group claims faster than PC performance on a DP G4 500, blah blah freaking blah. Here's a clue, I'm not dropping $2,500 to play a game that should play just fine on my current box. I would instead buy an $800 PC that will play it flawlessly.
As ironic as it sounds, Apple has to take this games thing more seriously.