*GASP* Low quality camera phone pictures of Apple's new tower


The latest Apple rumor to be thrown out there, a new G5 PowerMac-esque (definately not with a G5) mini tower with a 24" ACD with a built in iSight camera. There's a picture of it on Engadget, but I can't get Engadget to work right now. Now the chances of a mini tower are slim, especially since it uses the G5 design and not a new enclosure (Jonathan Ive couldn't possibly be doing nothing) I find the 24" ACD with iSight a lot more interesting, this seems plausible and would be a good step for Apple's Cinema Display line.
You know if you want to make a fake of something Apple, you might as well be a little bit ambitious. These are just based on the current PowerMac image, slightly squashed. What happened to the days when the fakes were all ridiculously over-the-top and impractical?
What's really great is all the people complaining about how horrible he is for making fakes, and yet he's getting more publicity for their actions than his original action. Lovely.
There's no reason for Apple to come out with a mini PowerMac. They want simple product lines, confusing people will just lower sales. The iSight in the Cinema Displays seems more probable, though. The photos are of course, fake.