Gateway stops copying Apple! And starts stealing!!!


This is hilarious. Read the story here:

Originally posted by ksv
Almost all advertisement companies use macs, so this is actually pretty common :D

Yeah, a lot of advertising firms use Macs for development and design and often insert them into ads, but this is a class A f.., eh, screw up.

Having worked in advertising before, I know that this will probably get someone fired. Darn funny though. It's like those Intel ads that were made on a PowerPC Mac, or the ones that feature Moby's music, who himself is a self-proclaimed Mac-geek.

Good stuff.
A press release of October 3, 2002 reports that Gatway switched advertising agencies... They switched from Siltanen/Keehn "to New York-based Arnell, which is owned by ad agency holding company Omnicom".

Arnell has a Web site at, but it looks terribly out of date... The last press release is from 2000.

I was hoping to find some contact information so we could ask if they did this...
That add is halarious even without the powerbook G4 in it.

Why would you want a differen't computer for music, video, and photo? Why not just get a computer 100-200 dollars more expensive that can do ALL of them well? And the quote "Real photographers choose Gateway photo PC's, photo printers, and digital camera's" is interesting because, well no...Real photographers choose any computer, usually Epson printers, and camera's by a REAL camera company like Canon (best lenses).

Oh yes, and real photographers don't use Photoshop Elements. We tend to like the real deal.
Hey now, they know all their stuff was junk so they brought in the TiBook to make it look better!
This mistake is right up there with the Mitsubishi ad from a few years ago that featured clips of Mitsubishis racing. Unfortunately their shot of a flying rally car was of a Lancia Delta, not a Mitsubishi. After about 2 months someone finally noticed and corrected the ad but I thought it was pretty funny!
On the other hand, things like that happen.
Only if you work with amateurs, though. ;)

One thing you do when you plan an environment for a product photo shooting is to remove EVERYTHING and only add the things that you want to focus on. Decoration? Yes, but only if you decide that its style lets the viewer focus on the product or if the style expresses the right 'feeling' (if you're marketing a service rather than a product).
Imagine this scenario:

A customer walks in a Gateway Store. He or she brings this ad in with him/her. He or she points out - "I'd like to get this computer. Which model is this?"

Sales rep replies - "Uh... We don't carry that laptop."

Damn. Should've gone to the Apple store instead.
Maybe someone really should take that ad to a Gateway store and see what happens.... the response you could get would be hilarious :)
Anybody else notice that the new Intel TV ads feature a PC laptop running what looks suspiciously like Mac OS 9?
Now, I wonder how they did that? (Joke, but really; is it a Mac, or some kind of Photoshop edit? Or an emulation? I haven't seen these ads.)
Originally posted by symphonix
Anybody else notice that the new Intel TV ads feature a PC laptop running what looks suspiciously like Mac OS 9?
No, but I saw a Bank of America add that showed a shot of a guy on a ti-book... When they cut to him logging on to the BofA Web site, the screen was WinDoze.

Virtual PC?