GeekFest '98... show me your dock, baby...

[Prepares for replies]

There it goes :

- How did you customize the whole GUI ? Duality ? Where do I find themes ?
- How the f*** did you get the girl in the Dock ???
the girls is divided in 3 icons.

But i wonder what the woman would look like if you put magnification on. PUT YOUR MOUSE UP HER BREASTS MATE!
Senne: those strange "text" icons you have for Stuffit and something with the words "Download" in it... where do they come from please ?
Geek U.S.A.

I'd post my dock but I have a different one for every project I do. I use DockFun!, DockDisks, Dock Detox, and Transparent Dock
Originally posted by Factor41
First one is very nice, but where's her hair going?

I dunno. It was cut off he original too. But I don't care. I just switched her back.

Originally posted by toast
There it goes :

- How did you customize the whole GUI ? Duality ? Where do I find themes ?

Slow down there, cowboy. First, I did it by hand. The "Theme" is not handled by Duality because I couldn't get it to work. So I did it myself. Root is very powerful, you know. The Theme has no name. I created it myself. If I ever finish it, I will put it on some Theme sites like DeskMod and Resexcellence.

- How the f*** did you get the girl in the Dock ???

Finder, Dragthing, AquaMon. Custom icons, but you know what? It's a lot harder to change icons than you'd think. I had some trouble pasting, it kept pasting the wrong icon. Also, ou need to ser permissions on the apps to do it. The Finder icon was changed by CandyBar at first. But this time I just replaced the "Finder.png" file in the