Geekiness percentage

19.72387 - Geek.

I'm surprised I'm not more of a geek. I think it's 'cause I'm not into Star Trek, the Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings type stuff. Definitely into the math, science, and computers, though.

Still working on my nuclear reactor. :p
31.75542% - Total Geek

If they'd been focusing more on bookish geeks and less on media geeks I might have ended up a bit higher. That's probably about right though...
42.80079% - Major Geek

I am disappointed as I thought I would have ranked somewhere around 60% or 70%. Awe-man, they should have asked what a Tensor was and if you use it everyday, or if you know what the sixth enzyme in glycolysis is and what type of reaction it catalyzes. I am very disappointed. The test is slanted against CHEMISTRY GEEKS!!!

They don't list I want to be (or have been)...A CHEMIST!!! Ungh!!!
Yea ... not all geeks are only star trek or babylon 5 or star wars fanatics.
geekiness can be in other levels too
11.83432% - Geekish tendencies

I'm only really a geek about computers. I've never been into role playing games or the other classic geek stuff. Geek is a bit of a loose term though isn't it? You can be a geek about lots of different things.
What I am seeing here. A kind of a Iqtest developed by some psychiaters. I am not going anymore to psychiaters. I don't believe in such a test. Everyday I go to my work. I sleep relatively regular. I am never ill. Everyone is speaking here "I wanna be a computerguy". Do you know that there is a graduate in informatics at my work cleaning the toilets?
tree said:
What I am seeing here. A kind of a Iqtest developed by some psychiaters. I am not going anymore to psychiaters. I don't believe in such a test. Everyday I go to my work. I sleep relatively regular. I am never ill. Everyone is speaking here "I wanna be a computerguy". Do you know that there is a graduate in informatics at my work cleaning the toilets?

At least HE is doing something useful.
14.7929% - Geekish Tendencies

I would have thought I'd get more than that! Going to have to start studying more I guess...

Hey tree, I have a degree in Computer Information Systems, and I'm a bartender both here (Herve's Bar and Grill, hahah) and in the real world. Its not cleaning toilets, but useful nonetheless. I consider it my second education in human interaction and communication...
chevy said:
46.74556 - Super Geek

No idea why ?!? I don't feel so. I just feel FEA2 0010 A56A 0981.

maybe you are right ... you have a wrong Geek Code; thi is the correct one:
Version: 3.1
GS/P/>SS d-(++) s+: a+ C+() U* P L E--- W++ N- o+ K? w--- O-- M++ V PS++
PE+ Y- PGP t+ 5 X+ R tv-- b+++ DI++ D+ G e+++ h---- y?

bye, byez_
42.20907% - Major Geek :D
If I actually had a TV I think I would have beat all of you hands down! :eek:
And I actually get along fine socially in the real world, strange...
I think not all geekiness need to be babylon 5 or star trek stuff .. or i might know "geeks" that have ONE computer that does not even run anything recent .. and that are not that much into computers but like all cartoons, star stories, go to cons ... :D

Easter, the geek code thing ... when you know how do decipher it in your head, the next thing is taking it to the next level. Or add a sex code etc to it. Such as ...

SVa/St/FeEr ?~A ?W+- ?H+- w-- h++ D++++ E++ P98 a--- A--- b-- !B- !Bs C++++ Cd+ Co+ !d !Di e+ f++ F !Fi ?g ~i ?I k++++ m+ Ma++ ?Me n++ !p !P Pi+ ?r ?s ~S !Sw ?t T->++ wa- Wa--
42.40621% - Major Geek

I classify as BiblioGeek: I read more, much more geeky fantasy books than are on the test, but I scarcely know how to use my calulator.
Easter said:

maybe you are right ... you have a wrong Geek Code; thi is the correct one:
Version: 3.1
GS/P/>SS d-(++) s+: a+ C+() U* P L E--- W++ N- o+ K? w--- O-- M++ V PS++
PE+ Y- PGP t+ 5 X+ R tv-- b+++ DI++ D+ G e+++ h---- y?

bye, byez_

Tks. I corrected the wrong parts and added the "r" rating. I suppressed the header and footer on purpose (I don't like long signatures, and everybody who can understand geek code can see it, other will not understand anyhow), as I wrote most in lower case 'cause I find uppercase too aggressive.
Hi chevy,

chevy said:
Tks. I corrected the wrong parts and added the "r" rating. I suppressed the header and footer on purpose (I don't like long signatures, and everybody who can understand geek code can see it, other will not understand anyhow), as I wrote most in lower case 'cause I find uppercase too aggressive.

I don't earn any money from the Geek Code so my post was only a suggestion ...
I'm agree about to suppress the header in signature but not to lower case all: the Geek code is case sensitive; maybe in future someone will add a new token using some lower case char and then your code will be wrong.

So if you are using the Robert Hayden Geek Code v3.12 you have to use the proper case, else write down your new code or extensions. If your geek code is sent to a lexical scanner it will terminate with error, sorry.

Hi gia,
Giaguara said:
Easter, the geek code thing ... when you know how do decipher it in your head, the next thing is taking it to the next level. Or add a sex code etc to it. Such as ...

SVa/St/FeEr ?~A ?W+- ?H+- w-- h++ D++++ E++ P98 a--- A--- b-- !B- !Bs C++++ Cd+ Co+ !d !Di e+ f++ F !Fi ?g ~i ?I k++++ m+ Ma++ ?Me n++ !p !P Pi+ ?r ?s ~S !Sw ?t T->++ wa- Wa--

I don't understand ...
I cannot decode that Geek Code, I don't know the rules, the grammar ... scanner stopped at first token ...

Try a google search for "geek code" "sex code", you'll be shocked and/or astonished ;)

Dlloyd: not that I really care, but how is your 42.2% more than my 42.4%? :confused: Ok, math was never my favourite subject, but I can do basic sums and subtractions ... :D