Get Info in Menu Bar?


Does anyone know of any shareware that will let me show a perpetual Get Info in my menu bar?

I find myself doing a lot of Get Infos in a day and it gets really old. The Command+Option+I alternative also sucks because it takes up too much space, still required me to open the arrow tabs and slos down system performance.

All I want is a constant repository (the menu bar is perfect) that shows me how big a file/folder is in MB/KB and how many files are in it. Just show this in the Menu Bar:

348KB/4 Files

Perfect!--Can somebody write this little app?

Even the column view is flawed in that the Info portion doesn't show how many items you have or allow any kind of mult-item info display. Lame.
If you go to View -> Option and select Show Item Info, It will tell you how many items are in a particular folder and the disk info for a disk but it doesn't tell you total size of a folder's content. I attached a screenshot.

Maybe there's a hack for this somewhere although it will probably slow down the finder.


  • view.gif
    39.9 KB · Views: 27
It's useful if u use always ICON mode.
But it doesn't work with LIST mode.

And I use always this one :(

How to do?