Get OS X update 10.0.1 HERE!!!!!

You should warn people that this is not the official update. It is a seeded build that will eventually become the 10.0.1 update. I have been running it for about 2-3 days with no problems, but you should always warn people when posting non-official updates.
I'm not going to install an unoff update (especialy as it might screw installing the real 10.0.1 later) just for speed... what would be realy interesting would be a driver for my epson stylus color 600.. I've heard 10.0.1 will include supports for new epson printers. Is it true, and if it is, are the drivers in 4L7 already?


Yes the epson print drivers are included in the 4L7 update. They are split out into a separate package, so you can only install those and not the update if you want.
Installed the package, but my stylus color 600 is still show as 'unsuported'
Oh well, I'll just have to wait a bit more... and a bit more... and a bit more...
I seem to be spending half of my life waiting for OSX ;)

Is this 4L7 thing written by Apple? Because I don't know if I wanna just update my OS from some update I've never heard of. Can anyone tell me a little more about this updater?
4L7 was leaked by a member of the seeding program. It is the second build that has been leaked.
Oh god... you installed it today??? the leaked build? check they announced that you should "Update Now" meaning check your Software Update for new update since it is out today.. ironcially on Friday the 13th eh..

Okay, I really don't mean this insultingly, but I have to laugh... you all are playing around with 4L7 and the Apple site tells you to use Software Update to install 4L13....

hehe, it is definitely Friday the 13th!
??n I waited for the officail update had little to do with me being a play-by-the-rules type of person, and more to do with seeing how this all works when doing it the approved Apple way.

Specifically I wanted to get a taste of the OS X Software Update in action. Also I was worried that installing 10.0.1 any other way might confuse Software Update.

For all of you who installed it outside of Softwae Update, did Software Update still try to download it again? (Just curious how smart Software Update is?)
Software Updates checks the Receipts directory to determine what you have installed. If you installed build 4L7 you had to delete the receipt file it created in order for Software Update to download the new version. It would work the same way if you installed build 4L13 (which is only available through Software Update) as a .pkg.