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iMovie Professional
Check this out- Desktop Manager! It's like Spaces, but.. it's here now, and supports more than 4 desktops. It doesn't eat CPU, and it's contained in an .app file. It's basically what most Linux distros come with.. it's sweet!
Another one is VirtueDesktops. I've tried both, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. I haven't kept using either because they're both a little quirky.
Hopefully Spaces will be better (and from what I've seen, it is), but this is fun to use until then.
Virtue and Desktop management are cool, except they don't seem to keep the same apps in it's designated desktop after log in etc. You log in, mail opens, adium opens, then what ever else is auto open, so then you need to spend the next few mins putting each window into it's own desktop.

hope spaces has that sorted ;)
Desktop Manager is now Virtue Desktops, if I'm not mistaken. Desktop Manager was abandoned and was picked up (or at least the code was) by Tony Arnold, the author of Virtue Desktops.

bunga - You can "bind" applications to specific desktops in Virtue Desktops. From the Virtue Desktops menu item, select Inspection --> Applications. Click on an application listed on the left. There should be a check box for "Bind application to desktop <drop-down menu>"