Get together at MWSF?

yea, i have to stand in the line. it isn't that bad really. it moves much quicker than it looks. at least it wasn't that bad last year. if i can get up and get out of here soon enough, i should have most of it done before the halls open.
i know :\ i stood in it last year :D it looks like it will take an hour but it doesn't. but then they don't tell you that you have to go down stairs and get your card thingy ><!!!!!

and this year i am bringing a magnet so that i can demagnetize that strip!!!
ok, well, i will be outside of the registration hall around 9:30 or so for a bit before i go in. i'll also be outside on the main exhibition hall side around 12:30. jet - i'll try looking for you around noon at the laptop thing but you will have to recognise me. in fact everybody will have to recognise me where ever i am. :D but i look like my avatar and i will write edx and on my pass thingy if i can.

hope to see somebody there. :)
Ok. i will be in a bule shirt with "inside Mac Games" on the front and "Play Different" really big on the back with weird circle thingys and an "Alpha Smart" laptop case see you there
Hey Guys. We are here at the mac expo. (Ed and I) we're haveing a blast! there are a whole bunch of exhibits and i have seen a lot of new software that will be use full. i will giv ed a chance to talk now

Hi everybody - i didn't want to use my cookied admin account in public so i'm bumming time from Jet. :D if anybody else is here. i'm wearing a grey polo shirt and carrying a red iomega bag (everybody else has white macworld bags :p ).

more later and no irc client here so no chat report. full reports later :) - edX