Getting Appropriate Updates For Fc



I recently downloaded program updates on my mac because I was just delirious from editing. Then I couldn't render or do anything like print to video. My computer crashed every time with no mention of a lack of memory or any other reason. It was a system failure. I went through every possibility and it took hours to backtrack and figure out what may be the problem. I have a G4 with a 1.4 gigahertz processor and 1 gig of ram with a 40 gig main hard drive, but also a 250 ata Maxtor. So I clean installed the MAC 0s 10.3 Panther and am now looking for the updates I really need that won't knock out my G4. I need MAC OS 10.3.2
Quick time 6
and compressor 1.2

I have final cut HD and studio pro 3.

I think it was the security patch 2005-2007 or it could have been the quick time 7, but something is not working out.

Please just let me know how to get these simple downloads. I truly appreciate it.
