Getting IPs

sorry that i did not previously specify what i meant. Do you know how i am to get any IP address that comes into contact with mine. weather its X-Box Live or over AIM
netstat -a | grep ESTABLISHED

shows all established connections (tcp)
but this outputs the real ports .. so you canot see the service used
Ive used numberous IP scanners but for some reason it keeps feeding me my own static IPs

If the device gets an ip-number from your router, you can look at the DHCP configuration in the router and see a list of all distributed IP-numbers.

Try those numbers and one should give you connection to the device. Also most devices come with software which can find the device and report its ip-number.

Or the device has a static ip-number and that should be given in the manual.

Good luck, kees

Alternaltively, you can get Little Snitch, which does what you want as well with their new Network Monitor. It's really awesome.